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The "Jester" Section Hiker is the premier podcast with the spotlight on section hikers!

The stories you will hear are about everyday people who, in addition to their everyday lives, make the commitment to hike long-distance trails where every section is a new beginning. 

From National Scenic Trails to National Parks and all Trails in between, listen with your host, Julie “Jester” Gayheart, to hear what it means to be a section hiker and the adventure that awaits them section by section. 

Jun 19, 2021

If you are a fan of watching YouTube, you will understand when Jester found the YouTube channel "Side Trail Adventures" she had to have the creator of the channel, Austin Wallis on the podcast. Austin shares with us his passion for the outdoors, his tactics for finding the best gear, and his love for section hiking...

Jun 12, 2021

Jester updates us on her Summer 2021 Day Hike Gear list. As you will hear Jester has replaced some gear, is testing out some new gear, and will be bringing back an item that she thought she was done with! She also fills us in on her Summer 2021 hiking plans, training, and when her full backpack gear list will...

Jun 5, 2021

For a couple years now Jester has been interested in learning more about hammocks and switching to a hammock set up instead of tenting when she backpacks. Paul Collins (Skunkape) invited Jester to meet up at the Palmetto State Hangers "Spring Swing" to check out some hammocks and learn directly from people who have...