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The "Jester" Section Hiker is the premier podcast with the spotlight on section hikers!

The stories you will hear are about everyday people who, in addition to their everyday lives, make the commitment to hike long-distance trails where every section is a new beginning. 

From National Scenic Trails to National Parks and all Trails in between, listen with your host, Julie “Jester” Gayheart, to hear what it means to be a section hiker and the adventure that awaits them section by section. 

Jul 29, 2023

Back in 2020 I had the opportunity to meet up with and chat with Tara Dower aka Candy Mama! She met up with me while I was out completing the 40 Day Hikes on the Mountains to Sea Trail.  I split her interview up and added it to my 40 Day Hike Series of shows but always wanted to put it out there as its own episode so...

Jul 22, 2023

In this Highlight Clip Jester and Austin share a raw moment about the process of being creators and having fun in the creation process. I love when Austin talks about making a course correction when you stop having fun!

Full Episode With Austin: Embracing The Obstacles

Connect with Julie "Jester" Gayheart:


Jul 15, 2023

Thought it might be fun to put together some "Highlight Clips" from a few of my favorite podcast episodes so far this year! Ruth Morley joined me on Episode #153 of the show and we had a great conversation about her recent Section Hike on The Florida Trail. She also shared with us about her upcoming hike on the...

Jul 8, 2023

Thought it might be fun to put together some "Highlight Clips" from a few of my favorite podcast episodes so far this year! Rolf Asphaug joined me on Episode #152 of the show and we had a great conversation about his upcoming hike on the Benton MacKaye Trail and I answered a few of Rolf's questions throughout...

Jul 1, 2023

Thought it might be fun to put together some "Highlight Clips" from a few of my favorite podcast episodes so far this year! Shawn Neitz joined me on Episode #149 of the show and we had a great chat about his experience at our Hiking Radio Network - Woods Hole Weekend. Enjoy! 

Update on Shawn: Shawn recently completed...